Informational Resources & References

  • Earth System History by Steven Stanley & John Luczaj

    This book is used for the Earth History Course & some videos in Biogeochemistry course.

  • Earth Materials by Cornelis Klein and Anthony Philpotts

    Book used for the Mineralogy Course & one of the books used for the Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology Courses

  • Geomicrobiology by Kurt Konhauser

    One of the books used for Geobiology Course

  • Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap, & Clark

    One of the books used for the Geobiology Course (yes, I have used it so much I had to duct tape it together!)

  • Sedimentary Rocks by F.J. Pettijohn

    One of the books used for the Sed Strat Course

  • Sedimentology & Stratigraphy by Sam Boggs Jr.

    One of the books used for the Sed Strat & Depositional Environments Courses

  • Europa (by many distinguished planertary scientists)

    One of the books used for the Planetary Science / Astrobiology

  • Enceladus (by many distinguished planetary scientists)

    One of the books used for the Planetary Science / Astrobiology Course

  • Saturn's Moon Titan by Ralph Lorenz

    One of the books used for the Planetary Science / Astrobiology Course

  • Volcanism on Io by Ashley Davies

    One of the books used for the Planetary Science / Astrobiology Course

  • Alien Oceans by Kevin Peter Hand

    One of the books used for the Planetary Science / Astrobiology Course (both physical & audio book available!)

  • Bringing Fossils to Life (Paleobiology) by Donald Prothero

    Book used for Paleontology Course

  • Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology by Ronald & Carol Frost

    One of the books used for the Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology Courses

  • Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks by Noel James & Brian Jones

    Book used for (upcoming) Carbonate Petrology Course

  • Oxygen by Donald Canfield

    Book used for many of the Earth History videos & also my favorite book EVER! I may be slightly biased as this is my field of research, but I highly recommend ;)